Music Artists / Singer
A person whose profession is singing is called a singer, artist or singer. A singer is technically an artist. Music is music, a term for the performing arts that express human expression and creativity. If you think you are an artist, call yourself an artist. Even if you just do it for fun, tell everyone that you are an artist.
Sargam Parivar
Me and my friends are singing in the Starmaker Party Room,Come and join the Sargam family with us!
Family ID: 982841 Party Room ID: 1105488
Where to find us?
To find us you come to starmaker first download starmaker on your phone. Now create a starmaker account then join the Sargam family search by entering the family name or ID or come to the party room.
हमें खोजने के लिए आप स्टारमेकर पर आएं सबसे पहले अपने फोन में स्टारमेकर डाउनलोड करें। अब स्टारमेकर अकाउंट बनाएं फिर परिवार का नाम या आईडी डालकर सरगम फैमिली सर्च करे या पार्टी रूम में आएं।